This is Book 7 of the 7-book series. The JAHUG 7-book series is a Rastafari Journal that identifies and gives voice to the most important aspects of the Rastafari Faith from the point of view of Rastafari, by providing documentation on matters crucial to the livity and culture, the re-interpretation of Biblical Prophecy, and the character and teachings of Haile Selassie I, with the intention of enlightening, inspiring and motivating people to fulfill the Prophecy and attain world peace, harmony and prosperity for all. This volume (Book 7 of 7) highights major historic events in the life and times of Emperor Haile Selassie I from before brith to elder age and features a wide variety of speeches that demonstrate the authority, courage, convictions, creativity, humility, integrity, morality and supreme supremecy of The Everliving I Jah Ras Tafari.
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